You, yes, YOU!

My life is so much more important than I realize. I often times forget to focus and live my life as though it were not my own yielding to serve those around me constantly.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in the production called “Self”  I do all it takes to keep the stage lit even when there is not an audience. Playing the roles, adorning the stage, and making costumes can become so tiring. I was not called to be a one person show.

I want to be the supporting cast member, the backstage help, the curtain puller, the wardrobe attendant, the make up artist, I want to be in the audience standing cheering for you, and I want to be the janitor that will clean up after the show if it means serving Him.

He is everything to me and you are everything to Him. Therefore you are everything to me and I long to please His heart so you I shall love and serve.

I have been placed  in places and relationships that I want far from, but it’s not about what I want. I need help from Him I need my vision corrected to see and wisdom to discern what needs to be. I’m never anywhere by mistake or chance whether it’s comfortable or uncomfortable. Praying, discerning, and looking to serve is what I should be doing.

The focus of this journey I am taking is not about me, but you and Him which then involves me.

Someone is needing me to fast and pray, another is looking for a smile, that other is waiting for me to speak. A situation is needing peace brought to it, a relationship is needing love and honesty to come forth.

I am needed,

I was made for you and you for me,

We were all made for each other,  intended to serve one another!

Oh yes, life is so dull and tasteless when the focus is self

but you are the salt of the earth

and oh how you flavor my life.

That revelation is such a sweet taste.

I want to partake of this life daily tasting of the sweetness of servitude.

I’m in love with Him . . . my Friend


I love you!!! Truly I do and it would be my honor to serve you.


John 15:12

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

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Sometimes It’s Just One of Those Days or Seasons :), but God is Good and Faithful.

Psalm 42 (The Message)

Psalm 42

A psalm of the sons of Korah

1-3 A white-tailed deer drinks from the creek;
I want to drink God,
deep draughts of God.
I’m thirsty for God-alive.
I wonder, “Will I ever make it—
arrive and drink in God’s presence?”
I’m on a diet of tears—
tears for breakfast, tears for supper.
All day long
people knock at my door,
“Where is this God of yours?”

4 These are the things I go over and over,
emptying out the pockets of my life.
I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,
right out in front,
Leading them all,
eager to arrive and worship,
Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—
celebrating, all of us, God’s feast!

5 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He’s my God.

6-8 When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse
everything I know of you,
From Jordan depths to Hermon heights,
including Mount Mizar.
Chaos calls to chaos,
to the tune of whitewater rapids.
Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers
crash and crush me.
Then God promises to love me all day,
sing songs all through the night!
My life is God’s prayer.

9-10 Sometimes I ask God, my rock-solid God,
“Why did you let me down?
Why am I walking around in tears,
harassed by enemies?”
They’re out for the kill, these
tormentors with their obscenities,
Taunting day after day,
“Where is this God of yours?”

11 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He’s my God.

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